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Congratulations And Welcome

Dear Notegolddiamond blogs,

Congratulations and welcome to the DVDmagnet.com Program. Your application has been approved. Now that you are an affiliate for DVDmagnet.com Program, you can start earning commissions immediately by copying and pasting the primary link we've already created for you below into your Web site. The primary link is an auto-generated tracking link to their homepage.

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Or, log into your Google Affiliate Network account and generate additional creative assets. You can choose from colorful creative, textual links and promotional offers.

We encourage you to visit the Get Links section often for the latest links and creative from DVDmagnet.com.

We also have an extensive datafeed with descriptions of all our items, prices in four currencies, image links, country specific landing pages, ext.

This program is different then any other affiliate program you have joined. We respect the hard work our affiliates do and it is my sole job to make your promotion of Dvdmagnet.com the easiest it can be. To this end, we can set up custom datafeeds, banner ads, co-branded landing pages, special offers. We can even offer custom co-branded banner ads. Let me know how I can make your promotion of Dvdmagnet.com even easier.



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