I'm using free blogs and free tools in every my blogs, so I feel like I have to share something to you. Truly, I'm happy if you get maximal benefits from my blogs, not only news or articles, but also cash back or fee and friendship.
So, I'm inviting all of my precious readers to take benefits I have received by using every links in this special and useful page here to make online transaction in every stuff that interest you or your friends.
My idea that will explain in this page is based on win win solution. I want to make a long term relationship, so the truthness is a king.
I will share information to you (as much as I know) about everything in relation with merchants / advertisers I 've been joined as affiliate, so you will find the truth about how much cash I will receive from them. You can ask me from my facebook.
For my original product (my team ourselves produce these products), you can be a dropshipper that I will explain on other page, not here.
Please understand that, frequently, the link for a product which I have choosen and placed here is different with your choosen one. But as long as that advertiser / merchant is listed on the right bar of this blog " Label of Advertisers / Merchants" , I can prepare your chosen link and you can get cash back from your purchasement.
But if you search on the advertiser / merchant's web yourself, and simply buy the product from there, you will likely not get cash back from me ! because I only get the affiliate's fee if the link of your purchasement is the link that have already listed in my blog here. And also, watch out the expired date of the link...
Third, be my friends in Facebook first ! because this FB will use for default communication among us about this cash back systems. Transactions that occured before Facebook connection of us will considered not a cash back sharing transaction by me !
Each transaction will be count as follow :
- If one to three items go into first success transaction (success transaction mean you have already buy your lovely goods as explained above), the cash back I share to you is 50 % of my fees minus transfer cost (if it is present).
- After your first transaction, or if you buy more than three items in your first transaction. You can get more than 50 % cash back minus transfer cost (if it is present), so negotiate it ...
- Beware of out of date link, the articles published before December 2011 is almost out of date, except the one that stick on the left or right side of this special useful blog.
- If you prefer to promote an article about your product here, its free !, so dont hesitate to contact me. I will let you put a dofollow link in your article. ( as long as your article and link on my pages is commonly accepted as good manner, such as no porn, no racialism, no black SEO, etc.)
- Of course I have to let you trust me first. I will try to be as flexible as I can, so lets communicate on facebook
After we have connected in facebook, please do transactions by using every advertiser / merchant links here (list of my advertisers / merchants is on the right bar " Label of Advertisers / Merchants"), avoid the expired links, some link have out of date promotions ! links that occured in articles published before Dec 2011 is usually expired, please tell me if you find the link that not explaining about expired date of their promotions...
Dont forget to tell me what link you want to use or you have already used. Please tell me on Facebook wall or by message and I will ask you to send me your scan / copy / screen capture - proof of buying transaction you have received from the advertiser or merchant, to match with my affiliate account on similar merchant. I Also can use this proof to let the merchant know about your transaction here.
Next, give me your paypal account to transfer your cash back. I prefer paypal, other ways of transfer is acceptable if we have communicate it before the transaction happen, this is just because of transfer fees that will occured if using others.
If everything is doing smoothly, I will get money from advertiser or merchant as my affiliate fees, then I transfer your cash back plus email my proof which containing information about how much I get cash from your transactions.
Please make it as easy and simple as it can, I will do the same to you.
Great thanks to you, my precious readers
MasBuddy (NGDlover)
Assalamualaikum Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Sengaja ingin menulis
sedikit kesaksian untuk berbagi, barangkali ada teman-teman yang sedang
kesulitan masalah keuangan, Awal mula saya mengamalkan Pesugihan Tanpa
Tumbal karena usaha saya bangkrut dan saya menanggung hutang sebesar
1M saya sters hampir bunuh diri tidak tau harus bagaimana agar bisa
melunasi hutang saya, saya coba buka-buka internet dan saya bertemu
dengan KYAI SOLEH PATI, awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya tapi selama 3 hari
saya berpikir, saya akhirnya bergabung dan menghubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI
kata Pak.kyai pesugihan yang cocok untuk saya adalah pesugihan
penarikan uang gaib 4Milyar dengan tumbal hewan, Semua petunjuk saya ikuti
dan hanya 1 hari Astagfirullahallazim, Alhamdulilah akhirnya 4M yang saya
minta benar benar ada di tangan saya semua hutang saya lunas dan sisanya
buat modal usaha. sekarang rumah sudah punya dan mobil pun sudah ada.
Maka dari itu, setiap kali ada teman saya yang mengeluhkan nasibnya, saya
sering menyarankan untuk menghubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI Di Tlp 0852-2589-0869
agar di berikan arahan. Supaya tidak langsung datang ke jawa timur,
saya sendiri dulu hanya berkonsultasi jarak jauh. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya sangat baik,
jika ingin seperti saya coba hubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI pasti akan di bantu Oleh Beliau
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